Jürgen Moors

  • Manufacturing Business leader

    20+ years of international operational and business leadership experience in capital intensive industries like (petro)chemical, pharmaceutical and utility industry.

  • Innovation leader in Manufacturing

    20+ years of international innovation leadership in a variety of areas (energy, water, utility, robotics, digital transformation, web3, extended reality) and roles like for instance board member of SPRINTRobotics.org and co-founder of Aloxy.io

  • Triathlete

    Living the triathlon life in heart and soul. My motto: “Mens sana in corpore sano !”

Our focal industry: Manufacturing

  • Manufacturing

    Manufacturing processes in capital intensive industries like (petro)chemical, oil&gas, steel, utility, food, pharmaceutical….

Securing the Future of Manufacturing

  • Educating Individuals

    The key for regaining its competitiveness for the manufacturing is the ablility and willingness of its people and leaders and individuals to embrace 'digital) innovation. For them I designed based on my 20 year program a unique blend of online courses, communities and coaching.

  • Supporting Enterprises

    For many of the manufacturing enterprises it is a challenge to keep up with the speed of digital innovation. Even when exactly that is what could transform their competitiveness. Specially for the enterprises I offer a combination of strategic advisory and consultation fit to you unique enterprise and situation.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


