By Supporting Enterprises ?

The speed of technological innovation has reached such a pace and speed, it has become more challenging to keep up and it could be life-treatening for any enterprise if it misses the right one. But not all enterprises have the capabilities to stay on top of all that innovative power. 

A typical manufacturing ecosystem and supply chain has a combination of all: small, medium and large enterprises. I have experienced up close that if certain players in that chain are not able to follow, it can slow down or hold back an entire manufacturing ecosystem or supply chain.

That is why I designed my services for manufacturing enterprises around 2 pillars.

One focused on strategic advisory, diving in into the bigger picture of innovation. How to best approach and monitor it for your enterprise and your manufacturing. Making sure you keep an eye out, but at the same time avoid to spill too much resources on following them all. 

And the second pillar is aimed to support manufacturing enterprises,  that lack the capabilities of tracking all these (digital) technological innovations and their potential impact and / or introducing them to their own manufacturing. Our consulting tracks are always set-up and designed aroudn your manufacturing, your unique case and postion as well as your strategic goals.