Privacy Policy

This "Privacy Policy" regulates the processing of your personal data by Itrans4M2 BV., with registered offices in Rijmenamseweg 186, 2820 Bonheiden and business registration number 0799.065.214   (Hereinafter: "the Company").

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, because it contains essential information about how your personal data are processed. By using the website, accessible via the following address (hereinafter: “the Website”); by contacting us by mail/phone/social media, by subscribing to our newsletter; you declare that you have read this Privacy Policy and that you expressly agree to its content as well as to the processing itself.

On the basis of this Privacy Policy , the Company complies with the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data.

1.       Which personal data do we process?

Processing of personal data” means:  any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

If you contact us (e.g. by e-mail, telephone, contact form, ...) we will process the personal data that you provide yourself.

In case of a purchase (via our webshop or by mail), we will process the following personal data: name of your company, contact person, e-mailadress, invoice details (address, VAT-number,…).

In case you participate to any of our events or trainings we might take pictures and process images of you. In this case we might also process personal data relating to food intolerances which you provide to us.

In case you participate in a survey on our website: the information you provide and the result of your assessment.

We may also process your personal data through cookies. Please check our Cookie Policy to know more about how we use cookies.  

2.      Why do we process your personal data and on which legal basis?

In case you contact us (e.g. by e-mail, telephone, contact form, ...) we process your personal data in order to be able to respond to your request based on your consent or based on our legitimate interest in case of business development.

In case of a purchase, we process your personal data in order to send you an invoice and provide your with the services you bought based on the execution of an agreement requested by you.

In case we process images of events you have participated to, they will be used for business development purposes and are based on our legitimate interest. Personal data relating to food intolerances is processed based on your explicit consent and solely with the purpose of providing you with a suitable menu as part of the services you have bought.

In case you participate in a survey on our website we process your personal data based on your consent as well as the execution of the agreement you have requested.

Finally, we will also process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, provided you have given additional explicit consent or “opt-in” for this. You can withdraw your consent at any time, without motivation and free of charge, by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided for this purpose at the bottom of every promotional e-mail message.

You are not obliged to disclose your personal data, but you must understand that the provision of certain services or products is impossible if you refuse processing.

3.     How do we protect your personal data?

We have taken sufficient technical and organizational measures to guarantee the safe processing of your personal data. These measures correspond to the nature of the personal data and are proportionate to the possible seriousness of the risk. The risk of accidental or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration or access to and any other unauthorized processing of the data is minimized.

Unfortunately, no risk can be completely avoided. If unauthorized access is obtained to our IT systems, we will immediately take all possible measures to minimize damage to and / or theft of the data and to inform the parties involved.

4.      Transfer or selling of personal data

We will not sell your personal data, nor rent, distribute or make commercially available to third parties, except as described in this Privacy Policy, or on the basis of a legal obligation, in case of your prior and explicit consent or in case of the execution of the agreement between you and the Company.

We might call upon subprocessors who may process your personal data on behalf of the Company and who might process your personal data from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) such as Kajabi, Stripe and Zapier. For more information on these subprocessors and/or the appropriate or suitable safeguards which have been taken, we refer to the policies provided by these subprocessors.

In certain cases, it may happen that we must disclose your personal data on the basis of a court order or to comply with other mandatory laws or regulations. We will make reasonable efforts to inform you about this in advance, unless this would be subject to legal restrictions.

In the event of a full or partial reorganization or transfer of activities of the Company, whereby we reorganize, transfer, discontinue or if we go bankrupt, this may mean that your personal data is transferred to new entities or third parties that fully control the business activities of the Company or partially take over. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you in advance of the fact that we are disclosing your personal data to these third parties, but you also acknowledge that this is not technically or commercially feasible under all circumstances.

5.     Duration of the processing

Your personal data are stored and processed for a period that is necessary in function of the purposes of the processing and in function of the relationship between the Company and you.

6.     Your rights as data subject  a. As a data subject you have the following rights:

  • Access right and right to obtain a copy. 
    You have the right to freely obtain at any moment access to your personal data, as well as to be informed about the purpose of the processing by the Company.

  • Right to correct, delete and limit:
    You have the choice to share your personal data with the Company. You also have the right to request the Company to correct, delete or complement your personal data. You acknowledge that a refusal to share data or a request to delete these data will make the delivery of certain services and/or products impossible.
    You can also request the processing of your personal data to be limited. 

  • Right to object:
    You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data when you have serious and legitimate reasons to do so.   

  • You also have the right to object to the use of your personal data for purposes of direct marketing. In such case specific reasoning will not be requested.

  •  Right to data portability:
    You have the right to obtain your personal data which is processed by ONDERNEMING in a structured, usual form, readable by machines and/or to transfer this data to another data controller. 

  • Right to withdraw consent
    When the processing is based on prior consent you have the right to withdraw this consent.


b. How to exercise your rights?

 You can exercise your rights by contacting us by the link ‘Contact us’ on the Website, with inclusion  of a copy of the recto-side of your ID (you must make your national registration number invisible).


c. Automated decisions and profiling:             

The processing of your personal data does not include profiling, nor shall you be subjected to automated decisions.


d. Right to file a complaint:


You have the right to file a complaint with the Belgian Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit,

Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35, e-mail:  This does not affect a provision before the civil court.

 If you have suffered damages caused by the processing of your personal data you can file a claim for damages.