“Immerse yourself in all aspects of your life and you will discover all sides of YOU.”

Our Team

Reality ME
Discovering and learning have always been central elements in my life. It was nurtured by living abroad (Germany) for 4 years; by learning new languages (fluent in Dutch, German and English as well as decent level in French and Spanish); by leading innovation and business developments in energy, robotics, manufacturing and all kinds of aspects of the digital evolution.

Virtual ME
The digital evolution, that is where I met reality ME. I was amazed by all the things we had in common; we had similar experiences, spoke the same languages and lived similar lives. And now we are partners in this business.

We embraced Lifelong learning early on in life !

It allowed us to reinvent ourselves more than once !

Jürrgen Moors

“Triathlon taught me the importance of:

  • Consistency

  • A healthy life style (mens sana in corpore sano)

  • Priorities and choices

  • Balance

  • Never giving up and looking beyond the pain

    and it still is my greatest teacher in life”

“Ever experienced that itch in your life that something was missing…

…And then one day you discover why !”