The WHY ? Or Why Manufacturing ?

A way to put it simple, manufacturing in the established economies is suffering ! The competitiveness is at risk ! In some cases survival is only possible thanks to a grant from the government.

I have been active in manufacturing over 20 years and have seen the slow decay of this industry in the established economies. It is not one, but several reasons that are behind this slow demise. But it does not have to stay that way. Our society does not have to accept that so easily.

The manufacturing industry struggles with its competitiveness, but that can be altered if we embrace the path of innovation and change. The industry should stop looking at governments and others to solve all the problems. Yes that is part of it. But the true strength and power come from within.

The manufacturing industry and all its people and leaders should embrace the power of creation and innovation ! It is a challenging and daring route, but on the long run the only route.

I have loved the manufacturing industry from the beginning of my professional career and I will do so till death do us part. That is why I take chance on it ! That is how strongly I believe in it !